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Single tooth implant replacement
This lady was missing this first bicuspid tooth for a few years and decided to get a replacement. She did not want to have a bridge made, instead she opted for a dental implant. Implant placed by Dr. Kapgan


Single tooth implant replacement
This is a surgeon who bit onto an olive pit breaking off his tooth at the gumline. Dr. Kapgan removed the tooth and replaced it with an immediate implant. After healing the implant received a zirconia abutment and crown by his restorative dentist.



Multiple implant replacement
This gentleman was missing upper left bicuspid teeth for years. He was compensating by eating on the opposite side. He decided to replace those missing teeth with implants so he can chew well.


Implant Bridge
This lady developed very loose four lower front (incisor) teeth due to gum (periodontal) disease. After removal of these hopeless teeth, Dr. Kapgan placed two immediate implants. After 3 months of healing/integration, an implant supported bridge was placed over the implants by Dr. Joe Morabit, giving her 4 teeth that she was missing.


Porcelain Bridge
This young man was born without a front incisor tooth. He chose to make a zirconia and porcelain bridge.
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